What can I say, it takes a lot for me to take a Friday off work and travel to Geneva, to visit like-minded professionals from around Europe consisting of 14 clinicians like myself, scientists, professors all treating patients at very high level sport (mostly national) and the general public at large - some working in very large teaching facilities, having resources available to develop high level RCT’s.
My trip started at Heathrow, bit of a trip but heard that Swiss Air was worth it, well apart from changing my seat so far so good. All wrapped up as in pic, heard cold out here in Geneva.
So I arrived at Geneva airport only to find my pals Professor Christoph Schmitz and Johnathan Wride was sharing the same transport to the wonderful Chateau de Bonmont. Didn't have too much time on arrival as a little late for the start of evening in fact missed the opening session from Paolo Zanetti, we all introduced ourselves and JC, (please see pic, seriously outsizing me and looking like a Gucci model) our chairman Per Andersen took us through what to expect on Saturday and we promptly headed for cocktails and dinner.
JC seriously outsizing me.
Early start on the Saturday, no gym so a 30 minute work in my very large, very beautiful room before a quick breakfast and on with case studies from all which was 5 minutes, offically and then the floor had to comment this went on until lunch.
In my presentation I referred to the previous night being slightly overdressed, the only man in TUX and now calling myself a dinosaur as I was the only clinicain using what is considered the ‘old’ frequencies!
My presentation was very factual, used my August blog for my examples on semi-professional footballers (males) with chronic knee pain. Needless to say outstanding results from RSWT using the DolorClast, and more over Professor Christoph said that I am correct with my choice of frequencies as in accordance with current RCT’s but some are finding other frequencies more benefical, which we spoke more about this over coffee.
Following lunch we had a great brainstorming 1.5 hours. I was on table innovation and in very good company with Johnny and Per having good discussions, recording appropriate treatment protocols, energy and grouping conditions together to assist EMS to get a collective to use around the world in terms of setting standards and solutions.
If I don’t mind saying, I think the UK (with Per) did very well, maybe Germany had the edge but were was close not that’s what it was about but it was competitive.
Christoph when through recent scientific literature and questions from the floor which really revealed differences from varying countries. Christoph is always very good value, and can prove everything he quotes with scientific evidence to support.
Next was my very good friend Aude, who was pushing everyone to use online tools and gave a good scenario for all and yours truly gave his penny worth regarding social as I did so much when I was there.
As you can see, this was my clip from my IG
JC finally went through the conclusion, what we all should be thinking about and getting together a group of Professionals to help develop with Swiss DolorClast Method.
We had a wonderful evening out, starting with wine tasting, which I abstained as getting over my chest infections and the most wonderful meal later. So all in all this is what has been instigated, the very first of its kind. A huge thanks goes to those at EMS for all the hard work, i.e JC, MC, Aude and our new arrival Yael.
It’s just the beginning, watch this space for development to the ‘Building the Future of the DolorClast Method’ and to that end very glad to be part thereof.
Sunday was really exhausted, rested went for a walk around the grounds and my delightful chaffuer look me back to Geneva airport and finally got back to Heathrow at 8pm. Till next year, looking forward to help develop (EDAB) and put EMS on the map even more than it currently is.
In summary, great weekend, met some very interesting clinicians who I’de like to get more involved with in terms of there research and studies. Super venue, felt really appreciated that made the effort to get to and simply be part of, ‘First European DolorClast Advisory Board (EDAB)’
Bonne Voyage Chateau de Bonmont, Cheserex, Switzerland