Peer Reviewed Shockwave Therapy Evidence

A free database of over 29,000 randomized trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines provided by the George Institute for Global Health in Sydney:

This chart from EMS shows the significant Shockwave studies. (Note the prevalence or EMS devices)

This chart from EMS shows the significant Shockwave studies. (Note the prevalence or EMS devices)

Clinical trials published in the international peer-reviewed literature demonstrating efficacy and safety of treatment with the Swiss Dolorclast according to Evidence Based Medicine criteria: 
EMS, Swiss DolorClast Academy FA-556

As reported by ISMST, this special paper, a preview to the full report to be published later, highlighting 20 papers written on various aspects of Shockwave treatment. 
IJS - International Journal of Surgery - current concepts special report.


In addition to the industry resources above, I encourage you to follow the Articles and Posts I write on LinkedIn. This is a great source for news and comment on some of the latest Shockwave developments.
Paul Morrissey: LinkedIn