Academic March


What a busy March, with posts starting with upper extremities and stroke patients, O/A 1st CMC, a super study on human mesenchymal cells and finally my presentation at the British Shockwave Association

Best Study so far...

I think this is the study of the year so far. Rviewed by record breaking numbers and appreciable  comments from colleagues.

In the present study, we found that radial shockwaves significantly promoted the proliferation and self-renewal of MSCs in vitro and safely accelerated the cartilage repair process in vivo, indicating favorable clinical outcomes.

Also a great plug for the outstanding work currently being research and clearly that for the devise i.e EMS Swiss Dolorclast, keeping Radial Shockwave a the forefront where it clearly belongs.

The link to the study is below

British Shockwave Association Presentation

I was delighted to be asked to present more on the practical aspects of Shockwave and what works in practice.

To be terribly honest I was so unwell, I had a nasty Chest Infection, missed all the lectures before me, getting out of my hotel bed just 30 minutes before my talk.

The talk was well received and people appreciated the fact that I made it. Professor Nicola Maffulli gave a very nice intro and also appreciated the part of talk informing what, in my opinion, does not work.

There will also be a video available of the conference, form the organisers, if any of you wish to purchase  

Those wishing to get a copy of my presentation can email me. I'm happy to share as long as it's not reproduced, which I'm sure you can appreciate.

Whilst being open and honest with colleagues I recently found a few individuals copying my website, using my photos and content, claiming this as there own material. It's very frustrating and clearly plagiarism which I though was a thing of the past.

The presentation was a varied topic but I really looked at the conditions that failed and why, Chronic Lateral Epicondylitis was a favourite, comparing the evidence in Yang's 2017 study for a condition that should respond well, to the outcomes people see when it's not 'done right'.

The organisers brought in a patient who had a course of treatment with another devise that failed miserably. Whilst the video recording is not positioned well, I think the approach is self explanatory. At least 3bar 15mm head is required locally (Yand et al 3.1 ) 10 hz and 2000 impulses. An additional 1000 impulses using a 36mm head to the extensor group distally. In this case from the musculartendinous junction towards the radial head.

As mentioned, a busy month with Shockwave. Let's look to the future and hope to continue with supplying great studies and continued conversations with you all.

Finally, it made my day at the presentation to hear a fellow colleague travelled from the USA to see me at the BSWA, thanking me most sincerely for the information we share here and on the social channels. He downloads, goes through content and it helps in clinical work with ESWT. Comments like that make it worth while. Appreciated that John, thank you.