Focused Shockwave Arrival

Focused Shockwave Therapy now available at Osteopathic Clinic, Croydon

Yes, you read that right. 

We’re delighted to announce that the Osteopathic Clinic, Croydon has introduced a second Shockwave therapy treatment at the practice.

Focused Shockwave

As our long time patients will know, for the past 13 years we’ve used the radial non-invasive form of treatment to help alleviate very painful conditions in patients including tennis elbow, policeman’s heel, also known as plantar fasciitis, osteoarthritis in the knee as well as shoulder tendonitis.

The clinically proven and NICE appraised technique sends shockwaves to problematic areas and works by reinjuring tendons and tissues, which stimulates blood flow and encourages them to heal (neoangioesthesis) It can also numb and anesthetise the nerve endings, thereby reducing pain.

And the best part about it is no medication or surgery is required and the results are both fast and effective.

So, now, excitingly we’ve introduced another form known as focused shockwave therapy to our suite of services.

Unlike the radial method, designed essentailly for superficial (diseases of tendon attachments) medical problems, this technique uses shockwaves that penetrate a depth of 8cm, which means we can get much deeper into the tissue or joint at demonstrated here.

It can also be less painful to deliver than the radial shockwave because it's aimed at deeper problems like bone fractures, middle of the hip however some studies have confirmed that it's had reasonable outcomes for some of the superficial problems also.

But don’t just take our word for it.

The benefits of this have been documented in a couple of clinical journals, principally in the USA gaining FDA approval.  Due to my experiences over the past 14 years and learned physicians asking me to participate in studies of my own, adding Focused Shockwave to the clinic seemed very prudent. 

Going forward, I will be involved in studies with some orthopaedic surgeons so watch this space. The Focused technology is considerably more expensive but for the moment we're charging the same as we would for the radial device. As before, between three and five sessions are needed. 

If you’d like to learn more about Shockwave Therapy, you can download my free book here, which explains everything you need to know.

If you’d like to book a consultation please call 020 8662 1155 or email